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Updated on 4/19/2022

Currently, we have fixed the two issues about sudo:

  1. Now users can launch a new GUI in the root mode. For example, this command will start a new file browser:

     sudo thunar

    If users find that some apps can not be launched by sudo, like mousepad, they can try to launch the app like this:

     sudo dbus-launch mousepad

    We have to say that this method is preferred compared to the first approach. For example, if thunar is launched by sudo dbus-launch, you may be able to open a mousepad window with the opened thunar window and the root mode.

  2. Now users can use the following commands in the sudo mode directly:

     sudo conda ...
     sudo mamba ...
     sudo python ...
     sudo python -m pip ...

    :warning: After some tests, we found that conda, mamba, and python are all consistent with the user version when using sudo. However, if using sudo, the pip is not /opt/conda/bin/pip but /usr/local/bin/pip. Therefore, for those who want to use pip to install system-scope packages, they need to use either one of the following commands:

    sudo /opt/conda/bin/pip install ....
    sudo python -m pip install ...

    This problem should be fixed in the next image build.

    It is not required to specify the whole path like sudo /opt/conda/bin/conda anymore.