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FileBrowser Service

Updated on 4/19/2022

You can find the official website of FileBrowser here: :link:

Now we recommend launching the desktop with another port exposed:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm --shm-size=1g -v ~:/homelocal -v /raid/myname:/data -p 6080:6080 -p 5212:5212 xubuntu:1.7

The first 5212 can be modified to another value in case of port occupation. To perform the initial configuration, we recommend running the desktop in interactive mode, making the configurations to FileBrowser, and saving the image.

After that, users can get into the desktop, start a new terminal, and run


It will start another service. If you get access to the desktop by

Now you can get access to FileBrowser by

The initial configuration

This part is very important because the administrator of FileBrowser has such information:

User:     admin
Password: admin

It is very unsafe. So you need to log in with the initial password, and enter the user management page, then modify your admin password.

User management

Then, you can configure your password and allowed commands:

Configure password Configure allowed commands

The recommended administrator’s commands are:

sudo ls cd cp rm ln mv chmod chown chgrp yjin-tool git tar zip unzip

You can also create a new non-admin user, we recommend you to always use this non-admin user for safety issues:

Configure password Configure allowed commands

The recommended user’s commands are:

ls cd ln chmod chown chgrp yjin-tool git tar zip unzip

After all, you can log in with a non-admin user. Now you can

Run a command

After finishing the above configurations, you can save your image. Your configurations will be remembered.

:warning: Note that this command line is not a bash command line. Running a program is OK, but many commands are restricted.

Run with a different root folder

By default, the root folder of FileBrowser is /homelocal. You can also change it to a different path, like /data. Just specify the argument like this:

fbrowser rootdir=/data

Start FileBrowser together with the desktop

You can specify the argument --filebrowser when launching the container. Then the FileBrowser will be opened together with the desktop service:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm --shm-size=1g -v ~:/homelocal -v /raid/myname:/data -p 6080:6080 -p 5212:5212 xubuntu:1.7 --filebrowser fb_rootdir=/data

where fb_rootdir is the root directory of FileBrowser. If not specified, will use /homelocal.

Actually, we recommend users opening FileBrowser always on a terminal inside the desktop. This configuration will help users to control the service better.

:warning: Do not open Cloudreve and Filebrowser at the same time, unless you know what you are doing and how to configure your ports.

Explain the fbrowser command

The command

fbrowser rootdir=/data port=5212

is just an abbr. of this command:

MACHINE_IP=$(hostname -I | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}')
filebrowser -r /data -a $MACHINE_IP -p 5212 -d "${USER_ROOT}/filebrowser/fb-database.db"

The database used for storing the user information is saved in /home/xubuntu/filebrowser/fb-database.db. Note that this path is inside the container, and it is not mounted folder!