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Dockerfile list

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To view extra manuals about xUbuntu, please check here.

To view our dockerfile list, please check here.


Here is the list of each dockerfile:

  1. xubuntu at the branch xubuntu

    Run such a command to build the newest image online:

     docker build -t xubuntu:1.0
  2. jupyterlab at the branch jupyterlab

    Run such a command to build the newest image online:

     docker build -t jlab:1.0

Update records

ver 1.8 @ 12/26/2022


  1. Update the TigerVNC server installation package.
  2. Update optional application list (Atom is no longer maintained).
  3. Update the yjin-tool.


  1. Change default UID and GID inside the docker image to the same ones as the builder.
  2. Manually install dconf-cli on 18.04 ubuntu to manage mousepad default configuration file.
  3. Manually add several environment variables acquired by Matplotlib and unset 2 $SESSION_MANAGER environment variables created by ICE to avoid a warning when using Matplotlib.


  1. Remove all JupyterLab installation process and dependencies.
  2. Temporarily disable vscodelocal mode when installing VScode extensions.
  3. Disable the screensaver as the default setting.
  4. Remove hookyqr.beautify and install python-kaleido only on python version 37+ for VSCode extensions.


  1. Fix the bug in /etc/shinit that would unexpectly run a rm /lib command in 16.04 NVIDIA base image.